
Short Codes are mobile numbers that are significantly shorter than regular mobile numbers (usually 10 digits) which are used for SMS, MMS and Interactive Voice Services. The idea behind short codes is to make them easy to remember. Messages sent to a short code can be toll free or - in most cases - more expensive than a regular SMS.

The idea behind Short Codes is to make them easy to remember. Short codes have started playing a vital role in the most traditional media-Print, Outdoor, TV & even Radio. As the ads in these media channels will include a Call to Action to have consumers send a text message to a SMS Short Code for sending their enquiry or request for information; Marketers or advertisers are increasingly using our services in most of their ad campaigns.

Today's cutting-edge Mobile and Cellular Technology has changed the way we live and work. Short Code service avails one stop interaction media through which you could interact with your customers directly.

You can use our services for the following purposes :